Sports Medicine
All Waynflete athletes are welcome to see the athletic trainer prior to practices and games with medical questions or concerns. Middle school and high school athletes are encouraged to seek treatment before discomfort/ injury worsens.
Athletes are welcome to see the athletic trainer for injury evaluation, rehabilitation, acute and chronic injury care, etc. Waynflete provides a certified athletic trainer during practices and games to assist with injury prevention, give immediate treatment at the time injuries occur, and to refer to physicians when needed. The sports medicine team will work with athletes, coaches and parents to prevent injuries and also to return each athlete quickly and safely to sports participation.
Athletes should arrive early for treatment before practices and games. Athletes may seek treatment Monday – Friday after 2:00 p.m. until the last athletic event of the day. Non-school-day treatment times will vary depending on practice times.
Athletic Training Room
Office Number: 207- 774- 7863 x1256
Physician Notes
Fax Number: 207-772- 4782
Sports Participation Requirements
Valid Physical